
Click HERE to see the 2024 Yarmouth Area Cursillo secretariat members

Yarmouth Area Cursillo Movement APPLICATION FORM

Ultreya Monthly meetings take place the first Thursday of each month at 7:00pm in the Marian Hall.

The Cursillo Movement, which began in Spain in 1949 and came to the United States in 1957, is described by the Catholic Almanac as an “instrument of Christian renewal designed to form and stimulate persons to engage in evangelizing their everyday environments.”

This rather intense formation process happens when a person attends a Cursillo, or “little course,” a structured program of three courses, each taking three days or a weekend.

To continue personal growth in Christ, those who have taken the “little course” are encouraged to meet monthly as a Group Reunion, a small and intimate group with others who have experienced a Cursillo. During this group reunion, the Cursillistas share their personal faith journey of Piety, Study and Action. In addition to this, these small local gatherings all come together at a monthly reunion, called “ultreya” which means “onwards” for the Cursillo Community at large. This encourages all those in attendance, that what was initially learned on the three day “little course” must continue to grow during their “Fourth Day” in a spirit of Evangelization.

For more info on when the next Cursillo takes place, contact the main office at 742-7151,